Ever felt overwhelmed by gym equipment or expensive fitness classes? It’s time to train using your body!

The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)1 recognizes bodyweight training as one of the hottest trends in the fitness industry in the last decade.

But here’s the good news – bodyweight training is the only ticket to a fitter, stronger you, and you can start right in your living room! 

In this guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know for how to start bodyweight training. Get ready to transform your body and boost your confidence, no fancy gear required!

What is Bodyweight Training?

Alright, let me share my experience with bodyweight training. I remember when I first stumbled upon this fitness approach–talk about a game-changer!

So, what exactly is bodyweight training? Well, it’s pretty much what it sounds like. You’re using your own body as resistance instead of fancy gym equipment or weights. Think push-ups, squats, planks – all that good stuff. When I started, I thought, “How hard could this be?” Boy, was I in for a surprise!

The benefits of bodyweight exercise? Where do I even begin! 

First off, it’s super convenient. You don’t have to go to the gym or spend money on equipment. I’ve literally done workouts in my pajamas while binge-watching my favorite shows. (Don’t judge, we’ve all been there!)

One thing I love about bodyweight training is how it improves functional strength. Unlike some isolated weightlifting exercises, bodyweight moves often engage multiple muscle groups at once. This translates to real-world strength – like being able to carry all your groceries in one trip.

Compared to traditional weightlifting, bodyweight training has lower impact and is easier on the joints. That’s been a lifesaver for me, especially as I’ve gotten older and my knees complain about heavy squats.

But don’t be fooled – bodyweight exercises can be incredibly challenging. I remember the first time I attempted a pistol squat (that’s a one-legged squat). Let’s just say I ended up on my butt more times than I care to admit!

One cool thing about bodyweight training is its scalability. You can make exercises easier or harder by adjusting your body position or adding variations. For example, you might start with knee push-ups and work your way up to one-arm push-ups. Trust me, that progression is no joke!

Another perk? Bodyweight training can help improve balance and flexibility. I used to have the coordination of a newborn giraffe, but after incorporating more bodyweight moves, I’ve noticed a significant improvement.

Now, I can say bodyweight training is superior to weightlifting. Same for beginners: bodyweight exercises are hard to beat.

How to Start Bodyweight Training: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners

Can You Get in Shape with Just Bodyweight Exercises?

Imagine this: You’re a person who, just like a sturdy desk, becomes too fixed in an office routine. Furtively grabbing burgers for lunch, finding solace in myriad excuses to avoid physical exertion. 

As an embarrassing reality check, you pant and struggle to keep pace with your ever-energetic offspring during a park visit. It’s right then that bodyweight exercises seem to beckon you.

Initially, it felt almost comical. Is it possible to transform merely by doing push-ups and squats? an epiphany striking the naïve mind. I discovered it certainly is! Starting off with the trinity of beginners – push-ups, pull-ups and squats – my journey begun. 

The initial path was treacherous, making each push-up feel like moving a mountain.

But these exercises proved to be as versatile as an artist’s palette. Building strength paves the way to modification and progression. Standard push-ups challenging? 

Then say hello to either wall or knee push-ups. And don’t even ask about the multitude of squat variations. The Bulgarian split squats? They’re barbaric, but they work as efficiently as a seasoned blacksmith hammering hot iron!

Fast forward to a few months of loyal association with bodyweight training and observable transformations surfaced in my health graph. My energy quadrupled and I could conduct push-up challenges like a seasoned drill sergeant!

So here’s a slice of advice for those pondering over bodyweight exercises: In the initial stages, focus on precision, not hefty numbers. Rather five impeccable push-ups than twenty in shambles! Add spice to your routine just like you do to your favorite dish – new exercises and various alternatives ensure your body stays on its toes.

To answer the burning question – can you tone up relying merely on bodyweight exercises? Without an iota of doubt!

You are not the beefed up look of a bodybuilder (i hate it), but it definitely improves your overall fitness, functionality and physique. 

Plus, achieving mastery over controlling your weight gives the same pleasurable sensation as scoring the winning shot in a basketball match. Believe me; once you do your first fearless pull-up, you’ll harbour elation more profound than a superhero at their debut.

Evidence-based benefits of bodyweight exercises

Initially, I firmly relied on the grand machines and hefty weights of the gym for my fitness journey.

I regarded them as the sole agents capable of crafting enviable physical outcomes. Oh, boy! Little did I know how misguided I was until I found myself in a threadbare, unable to maintain my gym membership, and consequently, unearthed the remarkable universe of bodyweight workouts.

Disenchanted by the loss of my gym sanctuary, a chum rendered advice to substitute the weight-banging with a regimen involving good ol’ push-ups and squats at home. My initial reaction was to scoff off the idea, doubting its parallelism to my beloved bench press routine. But brace yourself for a curveball— the maiden workout was humbling enough to shatter my naive presumption.

Ruggedly maneuvering through the inaugural set of push-ups, my oscillating arms mirrored a leaf caught in a tempest. A startling revelation struck me— was I this feeble? 

The potency of bodyweight training dawned on me then and there. The dividends reaped thus far have been stupendously striking to say the least.

The crown jewel is convenience— no more cries about scrimping on gym time. It’s as simple as slipping out from under the comforter and kick-starting the morning with some squats in your nightwear! (Not particularly advocated for but serves as a metaphor. ) The facility provided by this element has significantly refined my exercise steadfastness.

And don’t be mistaken; it’s more than bare ease. Research champions the efficiency of bodyweight exercises— demonstrated to promote cardiovascular health on par with conventional cardio workouts. 

Personal proof manifested itself in my newly found ability to scale staircases at my workplace without as much as a pant.

And if you’re inquiring about strength augmentation, the answer is staunchly affirmative. Research in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research records bodyweight exercises like push-ups can match the might of bench presses when upper body strength development comes into play.

The allure of bodyweight exercises lies majorly in their propensity to upgrade functional fitness. Lifting weights is no longer restricted to mere vanity but has become significantly practical, interlaced with everyday tasks. Lugging groceries, furniture shuffling, or frolicking with my offspring—coincidentally, everything has become more manageable now.

Permit me not to embark on ranting about the colossal boons to core strength. 

Complimentary core workouts like planks, mountain climbers and squash offer an avant-garde route to chisel out abs that previously seemed unattainable sand crunches. Additionally, my posture has taken an impressive turn for the better, dispelling persistent backaches from yore.

Hold your horses—I’m not advocating an entirely bodyweight-rigorous regimen. However, these have indeed formed the bedrock of my exercise routine. Their low-impact nature complements my advancing age by sparing joint stress. 

Moreover, variety is abundant—with every comfort zone surpassed, a fresh challenge awaits.

If scepticism engulfs you like it did me initially, give bodyweight exercises a fair chance for a month—squatting, lunging, plank-holding, and doing push-ups. 

Tally your progress, and I guarantee you’ll marvel at rapid advancements.

Essential Bodyweight Exercises for Beginners

Upon entering the whole fitness scene, I confess, I was clueless. A mystified novice wondering where on earth to kick-start from. 

But sharp learning curves introduced me to the power of bodyweight exercises for beginners. 

Being in that same boat once, I figured I’d pass on some fruit of my trials and errors.

  • The push-up, a classic. A seemingly simple exercise that was my nemesis at the outset. 

One day, attempting one, I found myself flat on the living room carpet. Not a high by any means. But don’t sweat it, full push-ups aren’t where you need to dive in. 

Wall push-ups were my humble beginnings, followed by the couch supported incline variety. Incrementally, I made my descent to ground level, and today? A full set is a walk in the park – for most days.

  • Squats and lunges, your ace for boosting your lower body prowess. How right was I doing squats? 

An unfortunate mirror caught a reflection that screamed otherwise. A little advice: look up videos to get the technique down pat and there’s no shame in beginning with chair-supported versions to find your footing. 

As for lunges, take your own sweet time. Trust me when I say that vigorously lunging on day one nearly put my muscle out of commission.

  • Moving onto the ever-important core. The noble plank can certainly feel like a physically crucible initially. 

Early days had me quaking after mere seconds – not unlike autumn leaves in a gust. But persistence pays off! Small beginnings led to longer holds and before long, introducing bicycle crunches and Russian twists had heat coursing through my core.

  • pull-ups and chin-ups, the perpetual nemesis for many. Not a chance I could muster a single one when I took up this pursuit. But don’t lose heart! 

Negative pull-ups done at a snail’s pace started my journey on this front which later involved some help from resistance bands. While it was a slow-going process, every bit of progress felt like a victory.

The most crucial note to self, though? One must listen to their body and chart their own course at their pace. 

Some days are superhero-worthy, on others, you question if the notion of fitness ever crossed your path. But it’s all part of the drill. The secret? Continual commitment.

Blend these exercises into your routine to lay down the bricks of solid strength. 

Advantages and disadvantages of bodyweight training for beginners:

I don’t know which to mention first!

Flexibility was perhaps the most significant benefit of body exercises I noticed right off the bat- not requiring a fancy gym or expensive equipment. These exercises offer so much versatility that you can perform them anywhere at all. 

Are time constraints stopping you from working out? With bodyweight training, that’s no longer an issue – I’ve done push-ups in hotel rooms, squats while waiting for laundry, even planks during commercial breaks. Fitness couldn’t get more accessible!

Another significant advantage? It costs you nothing. Those pricey gym memberships and all those ritzy fitness gears that burn holes in your pocket. ..are no longer a necessity. With bodyweight training, your own weight is your machine – interesting, isn’t it?

But I’m not here to paint a picture of perfection – let’s be realistic, there are some challenges along the way. 

The most glaring one being that progression might seem gradual, especially if your aim aligns more with physique-oriented goals like massive muscle gain. 

Bodyweight exercises excel at building strength and endurance, but may not always yield a bulked-up result like you see with some fitness influencers.

I’ll admit, targeting specific muscle groups posed a challenge initially. I mean really, how does one work their back without some sort of pull-up bar handy? It took me some time to figure out innovative ways to engage all the muscles I needed to work on.

Repetition was another stumbling block. Admit it, performing the same set of push-ups, squats, and lunges can get pretty monotonous after a while. I had to dig deep to discover variations that would keep my routine interesting and challenging.

Now here’s something—the exceptional sense of achievement that comes with mastering your own body weight is nothing short of brilliant. The exhilaration of holding a perfect plank for the first time for a full minute was like ruling the world! 

Plus, let’s not overlook the enhanced body awareness and control you gain. It’s much like rediscovering your body under a different light.

I firmly believe that for novices, bodyweight training is an excellent way to build a solid foundation. It inculcates the right form and safeguards against injuries that might arise from diving into heavy weightlifting prematurely. 

An bonus is that you can easily adjust these exercises according to your fitness level.

Creating Your First Bodyweight Workout Routine

Let’s get to work on building your first bodyweight training regimen.

I recall the formidable aura surrounding my initial encounters with fitness. Let me make it known – it isn’t as intricate as it appears!

The first crucial decision: how often to work out. In my early days, I believed more equals better. 

It resulted in a painful lesson – I was sore to the point of immobility for several days. Your golden rule as a is to exercise thrice or perhaps four times a week. It affords your body much-needed recuperation time when the truly remarkable growth occurs. Allow your muscles this rest: repair, and get stronger.

Next, constructing a full-body training session. This one was a cornerstone moment for me. Rather than focusing on individual body parts – an approach I observed the gym’s burliest members using – I found out that total body workouts are excellent for novices. They are time effective and improve general strength more quickly.

Here’s an uncomplicated regimen I wish someone had informed me about earlier:

1. Begin with a straightforward warm-up (jumping jacks, high knees)

2. Proceed with a resistance exercise (push-ups or wall push-ups)

3. Next, perform a pulling exercise (inverted rows using a table)

4. Leg assessment (squats or lunges)

5. Core drill (planks or crunches)

6. Wrap up with a cool-down phase, followed by stretching

Duplicate this routine twice or thrice – presto! You’ve successfully conducted a wholesome body training!

Initially, coordinating varied muscle groups can pose a challenge. I had an unrestrained fad about push-ups, deeming them as the answer to a sculpted chest. However, the outcome was less desirable – rounded shoulders and a persistent backache. Habitual rookie error! 

The focus should be on equating push and pull actions. A row equivalent for each push-up, a hip hinge action like a glute bridge for every squat.

Remember your legs! Do we not all dodge leg day at times? However, mighty legs are imperative to overall fitness and routine life maneuvers. Plus, metabolism receives a desirable boost from leg drills such as squats and lunges.

A successful strategy for me was maintaining a workout journal. No need for sophistication – simply document your exercises, associated reps, and your orgasmic or not-so-orgasmic feelings. Huge morale booster as you keep retrospect of your transformation.

Proper Form and Technique for Bodyweight Exercises

Here’s a story for you. Once upon a time, I thought bodyweight exercises were child’s play. 

Nothing more than a few simple squats and push-ups. Oh, how wrong I was.

Ensued in my living room, I began my first legitimate push-up. Confidence soared until the third rep, when my arms quivered like leaves on a blustery day. My back mimicked a bridge, the kind one would shimmy under at a carnival limbo game. Definitely not the embodiment of fitness I had aimed for.

This experience taught me a singular truth – the importance of form. Having aesthetically pleasing workout moves is delightful, but not crucial. What matters is optimizing your workout while staving off injuries that can bench you quicker than uttering “muscle strain. “

One widespread blunder I’ve noticed – one which I confess I’ve committed – is rushing workouts. We become so engrossed in completing the block of reps that we disregard quality. Heads up though, five exceptionally done squats outweigh twenty haphazard ones. 

Sound interesting?

Speaking of squats, how about some advice that would have saved me some trouble? Place your weight on your heels while squatting. Early days, I performed god-awful toe-squats and marveled at why my knees protested vehemently. 

Turns out, keeping weight backward shields your knees and also activates your glutes more intensely.

An easy misstep to make is also forgetting to breathe. Sounds ludicrous, right? Must be a hilarious sight forgetting to do something as natural as breathing! 

As unbelievable as it may seem to neglect breathing when concentrating on maintaining that flawless plank position – it happens. Sincerely, I advise against fainting on your yoga mat. Does the image tickle your funny bone?

And warming up? The giant elephant in the room? Honestly, I used to consider it pointless until a brutal cold burpee set aged me four decades within seconds. Now, warming up is integral as it primes the body for the main workout.

Here’s some food for thought: bodyweight exercises might not seem complicated, but perfection demands practice and endurance. 

Tracking Progress and Staying Motivated

I recall my initial encounters with fitness – a jumbled mess of infrequent gym visits and half-hearted efforts. Share my sentiments? Only when I mastered the art of progress tracking did this chaos find order.

Analog journaling proved to be an extraordinary tool in tracking my strides. A mere school chore? 

Not at all. Marking your physical toil and subsequent feelings is a revelatory experience. A humble notebook suffices for this purpose. Some days, it merely notes ‘three squat sets – strength amplifying’. On others, it’s a tirade regarding my perpetual aversion to burpees.

Moving onto targets, once upon a time, I’d audaciously declare shedding 20 pounds in a month. Did that manifest? Absolutely not. 

Pledges need to be workable — something like “achieving two workouts per week for a month”. It’s specific, achievable, and a foundation to expand.

I discovered a functional trick — utilizing a fitness application for monitoring weights. Reveling in the ascending graphs following each recorded workout is an immeasurable joy.

Bear in mind, though, it’s far from perpetual bliss. Progress delays hit hard; landing me on the brink of cessation at the half-year mark. What saved me? Diversity. Bulking gave way to dance lessons (eliciting some serious humbling moments) and rejuvenated my enthusiasm for fitness.

A decisive aspect of retaining motivation was securing a fitness companion. My friend John needed my words for motivation. Nothing rallies you from the sweet lure of slumber like a sunrise text prompting “Ready to hit the gym?”

Consistency is pivotal. Your path might zigzag; with one week of triumphant achievements followed by one of regressions. But that’s just how it is. Persist with regularity, record your progress, and results will soon follow.

More to know about bodyweight training 

Progressive Overload in Bodyweight Training

Progressive overload is the secret sauce of bodyweight training. I learned this the hard way, spinning my wheels for months, doing the same old routine. 

Duh! You gotta keep challenging yourself, or your body gets lazy. But how do you do that without a barbell? 

Easy peasy. Add reps, slow down the tempo, or get creative with your leverage. For push-ups, I started on my knees, then progressed to regular, decline, and finally those brutal one-arm variations. Diamond push-ups? They kicked my butt at first, but now they’re my go-to chest blaster. Remember, small tweaks can make a world of difference. Don’t be afraid to experiment – your body will thank you later!

Incorporating Cardiovascular Exercise

Okay, I’ll admit it – I used to think cardio was the enemy of gains. 

Boy, was I wrong! Mixing in some heart-pumping action can seriously level up your fitness game. No fancy equipment needed, folks. Burpees, mountain climbers, and good of’ jumping jacks are my go-to bodyweight cardio moves. 

When I first tried HIIT, I thought I was gonna die. Start small – 20 seconds on, 40 seconds off. Trust me, it gets easier… kinda. The trick is balancing strength and cardio. I like to sandwich my strength work with quick cardio bursts. It keeps things interesting and torches fat like nobody’s business. 

Just listen to your body and don’t overdo it.

Recovery and Rest in Bodyweight Training

Listen up, ’cause this is important: rest days aren’t for wimps. 

They’re when the magic happens. I used to be all “no pain, no gain,” training every dang day. Guess what? I burned out faster than a cheap candle. 

Now, I take at least two full rest days a week. On those days, I might do some light stretching or go for a leisurely walk – that’s active recovery for ya. And don’t even get me started on sleep. I thought I could get by on 5 hours a night. 

Spoiler alert: I couldn’t. Aim for 7-9 hours, people. Your muscles will thank you, and you’ll crush your next workout. Trust the process!

Advanced Bodyweight Exercises to Look Forward To

Maybe not the right time to talk about advanced exercises. But it is nice to know what’s next.

I remember the first time I tried a pistol squat – I fell flat on my butt. But man, the feeling when I finally nailed it? Priceless. 

Plyometrics are another game-changer. Box jumps, clap push-ups – they’ll have you feeling like a superhero. Just be careful, yeah?.

And don’t even get me started on handstands. I spent months face-planting before I could hold one for more than a second. 

Muscle-ups are still on my bucket list, though. Remember, these advanced moves take time. 

Be patient, stay consistent, and you’ll surprise yourself with what you can do!

How to Start Bodyweight Training?Summing Up:

Good job! You’re fully armed now with all you need to jump right into bodyweight training. 

It’s important to keep in mind that sticking to it and being patient brings progress. 

Start from the ground up, focusing on the correct form, and push yourself harder as your strength keeps building. Be it gaining muscle, shedding excess weight, or boosting your self-esteem, bodyweight training is the perfect choice. 

Your body is the only gym you require – let’s hit the road to fitness transformation right now! 

What are you waiting for? Isn’t it the utmost form of self-care? Wouldn’t you rather be unique and ensure that in the future you thank the present one for taking this decisive step?

  1.  https://www.bcpti.ca/bodyweight-training-hottest-trends/ ↩︎