Starting a fitness journey can be a mix of excitement and a bit of “what now?” Bodyweight training is a fantastic way to ease into exercise. No fancy gear needed, and you can do it anywhere.

In fact, bodyweight training is the best way to give to your body the right stimulus to adapt efficiently. After all, bodyweight movements are the reason for the existence of our body capabilities and why people in primitive or ancient cultures were fit.

Let’s chat about why bodyweight workouts for beginners rock and how to set goals that keep you pumped.

Why Bodyweight Workouts Are Outstanding

Bodyweight workouts are my go-to for a bunch of reasons, especially if you’re just getting started. Here’s why they’re great:

  1. No Gear Required: You can do these exercises with just your body. No need to splurge on a gym membership or pricey equipment.
  2. Functional Strength: These moves mimic what you do in real life, helping you get stronger in ways that matter day-to-day.
  3. Flexibility and Balance: Many bodyweight exercises work multiple muscles at once, boosting your flexibility and balance.
  4. Easy to Adjust: You can tweak exercises to fit your fitness level, making it simple to step up your game as you get stronger.
  5. Anywhere, Anytime: Whether you’re at home, in the park, or on the go, you can squeeze in a workout.

Setting Goals That Stick

Setting goals that you can actually hit is key to staying motivated. Here’s how I set mine:

  1. Be Specific: Break down your goals into clear steps. Instead of saying, “I want to get stronger,” try “I want to do 10 push-ups in a row.”
  2. Measure It: Keep track of your progress. A workout log can help you see how far you’ve come.
  3. Keep It Real: Set goals that are tough but doable. This keeps you motivated without feeling like you’re climbing Everest.
  4. Make It Matter: Your goals should match what you want to achieve overall. Whether it’s strength, flexibility, or endurance, make sure your goals mean something to you.
  5. Set a Deadline: Give yourself a timeline. For example, “I want to do 10 push-ups in a row within the next month.”
bodyweight workouts for beginners

Essential Bodyweight Exercises for Beginners

Starting with bodyweight exercises is a fantastic way to get stronger and fitter without needing any fancy gear. Here are four must-try exercises to kick off your fitness adventure.


Squats are your go-to for building strong legs and a firm backside. They work your quads, hamstrings, and glutes.

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Lower yourself like you’re sitting back into a chair.
  3. Keep your chest up and make sure your knees don’t go past your toes.
  4. Stand back up to the starting position.

Want more on squats and other leg exercises? Check out our article on bodyweight exercises for beginners.


Push-ups are a classic for a reason. They hit your chest, shoulders, and triceps hard.

  1. Start in a plank position with your hands shoulder-width apart.
  2. Lower yourself until your chest almost touches the floor.
  3. Push back up while keeping your body straight.


Lunges are great for balance and hitting those leg and glute muscles.

  1. Stand with your feet together.
  2. Step forward with one leg and lower yourself until both knees are at 90 degrees.
  3. Push back to the starting position and switch legs.
SetsReps (each leg)


Planks are the ultimate move for a rock-solid core.

  1. Start in a forearm plank with your elbows directly under your shoulders.
  2. Keep your body in a straight line from head to heels.
  3. Hold the position, engaging your core.
2-320-30 seconds

For more tips on creating a balanced routine, visit our article on beginner bodyweight workout routine.

These exercises are the building blocks of a solid bodyweight workout for beginners. Add them to your routine to get stronger, fitter, and start your fitness journey on the right foot.

Crafting Your Bodyweight Workout Routine

Starting a bodyweight workout routine is a great way to kick off your fitness journey. Let’s break down the essentials to make your routine both effective and enjoyable.

Warm-Up and Cool Down

Before you jump into your exercises, warming up is a must. It gets your muscles ready and helps prevent injuries. Spend about 5-10 minutes on light cardio and dynamic stretches.

Warm-Up ExerciseDuration (minutes)
Jumping Jacks2
Arm Circles1
Leg Swings1
Bodyweight Squats2

Cooling down is just as important. It helps your body recover and cuts down on muscle soreness. Dedicate 5-10 minutes to static stretches and deep breathing.

Cool Down ExerciseDuration (minutes)
Hamstring Stretch2
Quad Stretch2
Shoulder Stretch2
Deep Breathing2

How Often to Train

Consistency is your best friend when starting a bodyweight workout. Aim for 3-4 sessions a week, giving your muscles time to rest in between.

Training FrequencySessions per Week

Find a rhythm that fits your life. As you get stronger, you can slowly up the frequency and intensity.

Progression and Modification

As you get comfy with your bodyweight exercises, it’s time to step it up. Start with the basics and make them tougher as you go.

SquatsBodyweight SquatsJump SquatsPistol Squats
Push-UpsKnee Push-UpsStandard Push-UpsDecline Push-Ups
PlanksForearm Plank (30 sec)Forearm Plank (1 min)Plank with Leg Lift (1 min)

If something feels too hard, tweak it. Can’t do a standard push-up yet? No worries, start with knee push-ups. The key is to keep good form and stay injury-free.

For more tips on exercises and how to fit them into your routine, check out our beginner bodyweight workout routine and bodyweight strength training for beginners.

Stick to these tips, and you’ll build a bodyweight workout routine that fits your fitness level and goals. Happy training!

Spice Up Your Workout with Cardio

Adding a bit of cardio to your bodyweight routine can really kick things up a notch. Cardio not only gets your heart pumping but also boosts your stamina and helps you burn those pesky calories. Here are three killer cardio exercises you can easily mix into your workout.

Jumping Jacks

Jumping jacks are as classic as it gets. They’re simple, effective, and you can do them just about anywhere. They work your legs, core, and arms, and get your heart racing in no time.

How to do Jumping Jacks:

  1. Stand tall with your feet together and arms relaxed at your sides.
  2. Jump up, spreading your legs to shoulder-width and raising your arms above your head.
  3. Jump again, bringing your feet back together and lowering your arms.

Reps and Sets:


Jumping jacks are a perfect fit for any beginner bodyweight workout.

High Knees

High knees are fantastic for working your lower body and core while getting your heart rate up.

How to do High Knees:

  1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
  2. Lift your right knee up toward your chest.
  3. Quickly switch to lift your left knee.
  4. Keep alternating knees at a fast pace.

Reps and Sets:

LevelDuration (seconds)Sets

Add high knees to your beginner bodyweight routine for an extra cardio punch.


Burpees are the ultimate full-body cardio move. They mix strength and cardio, making them a calorie-burning powerhouse.

How to do Burpees:

  1. Start standing.
  2. Drop into a squat with your hands on the floor.
  3. Kick your feet back into a push-up position.
  4. Do a push-up.
  5. Jump your feet back to the squat.
  6. Explosively jump up, reaching your arms overhead.

Reps and Sets:


Burpees are tough but worth it. They’re a great way to add high-intensity cardio to your beginner bodyweight workout.

Mixing these cardio exercises into your routine will boost your overall fitness and complement your strength training. For more bodyweight exercises, check out our guide on bodyweight exercises for beginners.

Keep the Fire Burning: Staying Motivated and Consistent

Starting a bodyweight workout routine can be a rollercoaster of excitement and challenges. Keeping your motivation high and staying consistent is the secret sauce to smashing your fitness goals. Here’s how to keep the momentum going.

Keep Tabs on Your Progress

One surefire way to stay pumped is by tracking your progress. Seeing your improvements laid out can be a huge morale booster.

ExerciseReps/TimeDate 1Date 2Date 3
Squats15 reps✔️✔️✔️
Push-Ups10 reps✔️✔️✔️
Lunges12 reps each leg✔️✔️✔️
Planks30 seconds✔️✔️✔️

Whether you jot it down in a journal, use a spreadsheet, or a fitness app, having a visual record of your workouts can be super motivating. Check out our beginner bodyweight workout routine for more exercises to add to your log.

Celebrate the Little Wins

Don’t wait for the big milestones to pat yourself on the back. Celebrate the small victories too. Set short-term goals and reward yourself when you hit them. Did an extra push-up today? High five! Improved your plank time by a few seconds? That’s a win!

Completed 3 workouts in a weekTreat yourself to a healthy snack
Improved plank time by 10 secondsWatch your favorite movie
Completed a month of trainingBuy new workout gear

These little rewards keep you motivated and give you something to look forward to. Remember, every step forward is progress. For more tips on setting and achieving fitness goals, read our article on bodyweight training program for beginners.

Find a Workout Buddy

A workout buddy can make your fitness journey more fun and keep you accountable. Whether it’s a friend, family member, or even a virtual buddy, having someone to share the journey with can be a game-changer.

BuddyContact MethodWorkout Days
FriendIn-personMonday, Wednesday, Friday
Family MemberPhone callTuesday, Thursday
Virtual BuddyVideo chatSaturday

Working out with someone else adds a social element to your routine and makes it more enjoyable. Plus, it’s harder to skip a workout when someone else is counting on you. For more on staying consistent and motivated, check out our guide on bodyweight strength training for beginners.

Staying motivated and consistent is the key to success in your fitness journey. By tracking your progress, celebrating small wins, and finding a workout buddy, you’ll be well on your way to achieving your goals.

Listen to Your Body

Rest and Recovery

When you’re diving into bodyweight workouts, giving your body a break is just as important as the workouts themselves. Your muscles need time to heal and get stronger. I usually take at least one day off between tough workouts. Plus, getting enough sleep and drinking plenty of water helps a lot with recovery.

ActivityRecommended Duration
Sleep7-9 hours per night
Rest between workouts24-48 hours
Hydration8-10 cups of water daily

Spotting Overtraining

Pushing too hard can actually slow you down and might even cause injuries. If I start feeling constantly tired, can’t keep up with my usual workouts, or have muscle pain that sticks around for days, I know I need to chill out a bit. These are signs that my body needs more time to bounce back.

Persistent FatigueAlways feeling tired, even with enough rest
Decreased PerformanceStruggling with workouts that used to be easy
Prolonged SorenessMuscle pain lasting more than 48 hours

Getting Expert Help

Starting a new fitness routine can be a bit much. Getting advice from a pro can make a big difference. I often chat with a trainer or physical therapist to make sure I’m doing exercises right and to get tips that fit me. This helps me stay safe and get the most out of my workouts.

Wrapping Up

Remember, every expert was once a beginner, so don’t be afraid to start small and build up gradually.

The beauty of bodyweight workouts is that they grow with you – as you get stronger, you can always modify exercises to make them more challenging.