Are you tired of starting fitness programs and not sticking to them?

Do you ever get frustrated with your struggle to incorporate physical activity into your daily life?

Well, you’re definitely not alone.

Many people face challenges to make exercise a habit.

But guess what?

You don’t have to give up! There are some simple steps you can take to make exercise a regular part of your routine. Just follow these tips, and you’ll be well on your way to achieving your fitness goals.

What is the problem to make exercise a habit

make exercise a habit

Before diving into advice, tactics, hacks, and trendy jargon about forming exercise habits, it’s crucial to first identify the underlying problem.

Addressing the issue directly and then seeking a solution is a more effective approach.

So, let’s pinpoint the problem:

Why do most people struggle with starting to exercise?

Reason1: We are Prisoners to our Comforts

In’s world, it’s easy to fall into the trap of prioritizing comfort above all else. We’ve replaced walking with the convenience of driving or public transportation. Instead of embracing the outdoors for a breath of fresh air and some physical activity, we find ourselves glued to the TV, confined to the comfort of our homes.

It’s important to recognize the detrimental impact these habits have on our health, even if we don’t realize it at first. Our bodies become sluggish, and our minds lose their sharpness as a result.

Reason2: We are afraid of exercise

It’s no secret that our society has become increasingly sedentary. Nowadays, more and more people are spending their days glued to screens, and it seems like the motivation to engage in physical activity is at an all-time low.

But let me tell you, there are many factors contributing to this trend, and one of the most important is the way we view exercise.

Too often, we see it as a boring chore or a form of punishment, something to be avoided at all costs. You’ve probably also seen images of people struggling to complete their exercises, and it might have discouraged you.

But let me assure you, it doesn’t have to be that way for you. You can find activities that suit your preferences and abilities, and you can gradually build up your strength and stamina.

Can exercise become a habit?

Have you ever wondered if exercise can truly become a habit? Can we overcome our own resistance and make it a regular part of our lives? The answer is astounding yes!

We all know that exercise is good for us, but sometimes it can be a challenge to incorporate it into our daily routine. However, recent research suggests that with a little time and effort, we can turn exercise into a habit.

In fact, studies show that it takes an average of 65 repetitions for a habit to become routine – whether it’s eating an apple or going for a run.

So, if you’re looking to make exercise a consistent part of your life, don’t be discouraged. It’s something that everyone can achieve.

It’s in our nature to adopt new habits and make positive changes.

Keep in mind, though, that forming a habit doesn’t happen overnight. It requires persistence and smart workout plans.

But with dedication and a little patience, you can make exercise a habit that sticks.

Step by step instructions to make exercise a habit

Our mental state of comfort and inertia has created a formidable barrier that prevents us from engaging in challenging exercises.

It’s like building a wall around ourselves, confining us in a self-imposed “prison”.

This situation introduces a series of minor obstacles that we often use as excuses to avoid regular exercise.

Let’s take a look at an example:

  • I cannot spend hours at the gym – Lack of time
  • I cannot find a person to follow me on workouts – Lack of company
  • I feel tired, I need more energy – lack of energy
  • There are so many things I need to do, how can I do physical activity? – busy schedule.
  • If I try to exercise, I’m sure I’ll hurt myself – lack of education
  • I’m too old to train my muscles to stay fit – lack of exercise motivation

Deciding on a physically demanding activity can be tough. It’s all about developing a new mindset and philosophy to get our bodies re-energized.

Let’s examine some practical tips or thoughts to come closer to exercise:

Built a new mindset around exercise

Have you ever stopped to think about the purpose of the human body?

It’s truly remarkable.

Our bodies are designed to help us survive and thrive in the natural environment by developing essential characteristics and skills. They have the incredible ability to find motivation, stay focused, and maintain fitness – all qualities necessary for survival.

Moreover, our bodies are adaptable. They can adjust to different situations and environments, allowing us to flourish in various conditions. Ultimately, the goal of our bodies is to serve us and aid in our survival. It’s truly amazing, and something we should be grateful for.

But sometimes, we forget about this connection with our bodies. We become so consumed with our own desires and neglect the needs of our bodies. We should strive to be the caretakers of our bodies, rather than their masters. By reconnecting with our bodies and tapping into their natural ability to keep us healthy and fit, we can truly thrive.

So let’s re-create this perspective, rekindle our relationship with our bodies, and appreciate the incredible power they possess.

Together, let’s embrace the forgotten thoughts and mental processes that will help us restore a new philosophy and mindset about exercise and body movement.

Re-assessing your daily chores and tasks

It’s important to start understanding the significance of the tasks we’re used to and spend a lot of time and energy on throughout the day. Let’s think about the role these tasks play and what we actually gain from them. This process helps us evaluate their value and impact in our lives.

Here’s the thing: this habit can actually change our mood, reduce stress, and enhance our focus. When we take a moment to ponder why we’re doing something, it allows us to fully appreciate and be grateful for the task itself. Plus, it helps us become more aware of how we’re spending our time overall.

So, why not take a step back and analyze your daily habits? It’s a chance to realign your priorities and ensure that you’re investing your time in a way that truly matters to you. Trust me, it’s worth it.

Monitor your cues

Did you know that tricking your brain into thinking about working out can actually help you maintain a healthy relationship with exercise? It’s true! And the best part is, it only takes about 20-30 days to see results.

One way to do this is by putting on your workout clothes as soon as you climb out of bed. This simple act can signal to your brain that it’s time to get moving and start your day off right. Another helpful tip is to pack your gym bag the night before, so you’re all set and ready to go in the morning.

Creating a morning routine can also be a game-changer. By writing down your workout plans and making them part of your morning ritual, you’re setting yourself up for success. It’s all about developing positive habits that will stick with you over time.

And here’s a little secret: pay attention to those times when you’re tempted to skip your workout. These moments can actually be cues that can help you form even stronger and more consistent exercise habits.

So, why not use them to your advantage?

Start small – avoid the all-in attitude

Exercise habit breaks can happen for various reasons, and one common cause is placing excessive stress on yourself. Remember, it’s not about spending hours at the gym; it’s about finding a routine that suits your limits.

Even a little movement is better than nothing, and there’s no need to push yourself through difficult exercises that go beyond your capabilities. Any form of physical activity can have positive effects on your mental and emotional well-being. So, let’s find a balance and prioritize your overall health!

Key Considerations to make exercise a habit

One of the best ways to ensure you stick to a new exercise routine is by finding a workout buddy. According to a study published in the journal Health Psychology, people who walked in groups had a more enjoyable workout experience compared to those who walked alone. And let’s face it, when you’re having fun, you’re more likely to stay committed.

So why not gather a few friends and hit the pavement together? And if you can’t find anyone available, don’t worry. Your local gym probably offers group fitness classes led by certified instructors. Not only will you get a fantastic workout, but you might also make some new friends along the way.

Oh, and don’t forget your gym bag! Bringing all the necessary gear will make it much easier to get out the door and get moving. Let’s make exercise a fun and social activity!

Learn how habits work

Many people find it challenging to establish consistent physical activity or exercise routines because they haven’t experienced the power of a self-sustaining positive feedback loop. Let’s take a look at how it works:

  1. Start by engaging in regular exercise or physical activity.
  2. Enjoy the benefits! You’ll notice improved strength, stamina, and increased energy.
  3. Feel proud of your progress.
  4. By feeling good about your achievements, you’ll be motivated to start the cycle again and turn exercise into a habit.

Remember, a positive feedback loop can be a game-changer in forming and maintaining healthy habits!

Wrapping Up

You have the power to change your mindset and start building a better relationship with exercise.

Yes, it may require making some changes in your day-to-day routine, but it’s well worth it when you consider the long-term benefits of an active lifestyle.

I hope these tips will help get you moving in the right direction so you can finally know how to make exercise a habit.

Are you ready to lace up your sneakers and get started? Remember, take things one step at a time and be consistent—you’ll see results before you know it!


How long does it take to make exercise a habit?

While the time it takes to form a new habit can vary significantly from person to person, a popular theory suggests it takes about 21 days to make or break a habit. However, a study published in the European Journal of Social Psychology suggests it actually takes an average of 66 days for a new behavior to become automatic. Therefore, when it comes to making exercise a habit, consistency is key.

What is the 21 day rule?

According to the 21-day rule, it takes consistent behavior over a period of 21 days to establish a new habit or eliminate an old one.

This concept was introduced in a book by Dr. Maxwell Maltz, a plastic surgeon in the 1960s, who observed that his patients typically adjusted to physical changes within approximately 21 days.

This theory highlights the significance of persistence and consistency in shaping our behaviors and adapting to change.

How can I get myself motivated to exercise?

Finding motivation to exercise can be challenging, but there are several strategies you can employ to help. Firstly, set realistic goals that are achievable and measurable. Secondly, find a physical activity you enjoy. Thirdly, integrate exercise into your daily routine.